24 June History

Month:                           Date:     

  • 1314    -    Scottish forces, led by Robert the Bruce, win an overwhelming victory against English King Edward II at the Battle of Bannockburn.
  • 1340    -    The English fleet defeats the French fleet at Sluys, off the Flemish coast.
  • 1497    -    Explorer John Cabot lands in North America in present-day Canada.
  • 1509    -    Henry VIII is crowned King of England.
  • 1664    -    The colony of New Jersey, named after the Isle of Jersey, is founded.
  • 1647    -    Margaret Brent, demands a voice and a vote for herself in the Maryland colonial assembly.
  • 1675    -    King Philip's War begins.
  • 1812    -    Napoleon crosses the Nieman River and invades Russia.
  • 1859    -    At the Battle of Solferino, also known as the Battle of the Three Sovereigns, the French army, led by Napoleon III, defeats the Austrian army under Franz Joseph I.
  • 1861    -    Federal gunboats attack Confederate batteries at Mathias Point, Virginia.
  • 1862    -    U.S. intervention saves the British and French at the Dagu forts in China.
  • 1896    -    Booker T. Washington becomes the first African American to receive an honorary MA degree from Harvard University.
  • 1910    -    The Japanese army invades Korea.
  • 1913    -    Greece and Serbia annul their alliance with Bulgaria following border disputes over Macedonia and Thrace.
  • 1931    -    The Soviet Union and Afghanistan sign a treaty of neutrality.
  • 1940    -    France signs an armistice with Italy.
  • 1941    -    President Franklin Roosevelt pledges all possible support to the Soviet Union.
  • 1943    -    Royal Air Force Bombers hammer Muelheim, Germany, in a drive to cripple the Ruhr industrial base.
  • 1948    -    The Soviet Union begins the Berlin Blockade, America responds with the Berlin Airlift.
  • 1953    -    John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Bouvier announce their engagement.
  • 1955    -    Soviet MIG's down a U.S. Navy patrol plane over the Bering Strait.
  • 1964    -    The Federal Trade Commission announces that, starting in 1965, cigarette makers must include warning labels about the harmful effects of smoking.
  • 1970    -    The U.S. Senate votes overwhelmingly to repeal the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

  • 24 June Birthdays

  • 1813    -    Henry Ward Beecher, clergyman.
  • 1842    -    Ambrose Bierce, American writer and satirist (The Friend's Delight, The Devil's Dictionary).
  • 1848    -    Brooks Adams, American historian, son of Charles Francis Adams (The Law of Civilization and Decay).
  • 1883    -    Victor Francis Hess, physicist.
  • 1895    -    Jack Dempsey, American boxer and world heavyweight champion.
  • 1901    -    Harry Partch, composer.
  • 1912    -    Norman Cousins, editor of the Saturday Review.
  • 1915    -    Fred Hoyle, British mathematician and astronomer.
  • 1916    -    John Ciardi, poet.
  • 1930    -    Claude Chabrol, French film director (The Cousins, Madame Bovary).